COVID-19 and the AIA A201-2017: Anatomy of a Delay Analysis
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COVID-19 and the AIA A201-2017: Anatomy of a Delay Analysis

Co-author, Law Week Colorado, April 6, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has directly or indirectly delayed construction projects nationwide. In order to evaluate their exposures to delay and cost impacts caused by COVID-19, and to manage their risks accordingly, it is imperative that contractors and owners understand their rights and responsibilities respecting such delays.

This article provides general guideposts for analyzing the parties’ risks and responsibilities for COVID-19 delays under the oft-utilized, standard form AIA Document A201 – 2017 Standard Form of General Conditions. In short, determining the contractor’s entitlement under the A201 requires a three-step process.

Click here to read the entire article.

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