Considerations for Colorado data centers developers
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Considerations for Colorado data centers developers

Co-Authors, Colorado Real Estate Journal, Nov. 1, 2023

As the demand for data centers continues to increase nationwide, data center developers across the country are increasingly evaluating the Colorado market for new development. One thing that makes Colorado appealing for data center projects is the availability of open land. According to Data Center Map, a global data center database, there are currently 49 data centers present in four different Colorado markets; namely the Fort Collins, Loveland, Denver metro and Colorado Springs areas; which is a lower number than more established data center markets like Northern Virginia or Silicon Valley. As such, both existing and new data center players are looking to expand their Colorado presence, particularly with new builds in sprawling industrial areas like the land between the Denver International Airport and Denver. Colorado also offers a relatively dry climate and a lowrisk environment for many natural disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes. 

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