Friednash: Redistricting delays caused by the Census Bureau are bad for robust, competitive elections. Colorado’s leaders should act now.
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Friednash: Redistricting delays caused by the Census Bureau are bad for robust, competitive elections. Colorado’s leaders should act now.

Author, The Denver Post, March 12, 2021

Coloradans did their best in 2018 to ensure the redistricting process, which will likely bring this state an 8th congressional seat, would be as fair and as unpolitical as possible.

But there is trouble ahead. And now this state’s leaders need to work together to make sure delays caused by the Census Bureau and unworkable deadlines baked into the state’s constitution are swiftly addressed.  Congressional and legislative maps need to be adopted by the end of the year.  Otherwise, this delay not only hurts elected officials and candidates considering running for office, but also voters who need enough time to consider, vet and differentiate between the candidates. Robust, competitive elections with candidates debating the marketplace of ideas is needed now, more than ever before.

Click here to read the entire article.

Also published in The Greeley Tribune here

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