Brownstein’s COVID-19 Task Force
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Brownstein’s COVID-19 Task Force

March 12, 2020

Tackling Today’s Challenges and Anticipating Unforeseen Issues

Over the last few weeks, coronavirus (COVID-19) has reached a pandemic level creating a crisis for businesses across industries.

We are hearing questions from clients about legal and regulatory issues created by coronavirus that require immediate attention. We are grappling with many of the same issues. And while the sea of client alerts and legal bulletins helps—we will keep doing our fair share of them when we think there are valuable issues to highlight—they are no substitute for a trusted advisor to facilitate smart outcomes in difficult circumstances.

The potential impact to the legal, business and political landscape for our clients is material. To further assist clients during this tumultuous time, we assembled a task force to tackle today’s challenges and anticipate unforeseen issues our clients will need to manage in the weeks and months to come. Our task force is made up of key attorneys, policy professionals and personnel from every corner of our organization—because we expect our clients’ crisis response needs will be that broad and require cutting-edge thinking.

The implications of employment law on challenges most of us have never seen before, expectations for a federal stimulus package, rules governing businesses who serve the public to report and disclose potential incidents, managing quickly evolving crisis situations within your organization or customer base and questions about how contractual relationships might be impacted by supply chain disruptions are a few examples of issues that we’re addressing with clients. Click here for our frequently updated resource page. 

We know these are dynamic times as management teams are facing increasingly complex issues each day. We appreciate your continued trust and confidence as we partner with our clients to navigate important business and legal challenges.

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